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Click to see results by bookA Game of Thrones | 0 |
A Clash of Kings | 0 |
A Storm of Swords | 0 |
A Feast for Crows | 0 |
A Dance with Dragons | 1 |
The Winds of Winter | 0 |
The Hedge Knight | 0 |
The Sworn Sword | 0 |
The Mystery Knight | 0 |
The World of Ice and Fire | 0 |
The Rogue Prince | 0 |
The Princess and the Queen | 0 |
A Dance with Dragons - Daenerys VII
Stone-faced, the stocky lad bent, unlaced his boot, and drew a yellowed parchment from a hidden flap within.
"This is your gift? A scrap of writing?" Daario snatched the parchment out of the Dornishman's hands and unrolled it, squinting at the seals and signatures. "Very pretty, all the gold and ribbons, but I do not read your Westerosi scratchings."
"Bring it to the queen," Ser Barristan commanded. "Now."