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Click to see results by bookA Game of Thrones | 1 |
A Clash of Kings | 0 |
A Storm of Swords | 0 |
A Feast for Crows | 0 |
A Dance with Dragons | 0 |
The Winds of Winter | 0 |
The Hedge Knight | 0 |
The Sworn Sword | 0 |
The Mystery Knight | 0 |
The World of Ice and Fire | 0 |
The Rogue Prince | 0 |
The Princess and the Queen | 0 |
A Game of Thrones - Catelyn XI
The keep was three-sided, like Riverrun itself, and Lord Hoster's solar was triangular as well, with a stone balcony that jutted out to the east like the prow of some great sandstone ship. From there the lord of the castle could look down on his walls and battlements, and beyond, to where the waters met. They had moved her father's bed out onto the balcony. "He likes to sit in the sun and watch the rivers," Edmure explained. "Father, see who I've brought. Cat has come to see you …"
Hoster Tully had always been a big man; tall and broad in his youth, portly as he grew older. Now he seemed shrunken, the muscle and meat melted off his bones. Even his face sagged. The last time Catelyn had seen him, his hair and beard had been brown, well streaked with grey. Now they had gone white as snow.
His eyes opened to the sound of Edmure's voice. "Little cat," he murmured in a voice thin and wispy and wracked by pain. "My little cat." A tremulous smile touched his face as his hand groped for hers. "I watched for you …"