A Search of Ice and Fire

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A Game of Thrones0
A Clash of Kings0
A Storm of Swords0
A Feast for Crows0
A Dance with Dragons0
The Winds of Winter0
The Hedge Knight0
The Sworn Sword0
The Mystery Knight0
The World of Ice and Fire0
The Rogue Prince0
The Princess and the Queen0

A Storm of Swords - Epilogue

Merrett hadn't died, but his fighting days were done. Even the lightest blow to his head brought on blinding pain and reduced him to tears. Under these circumstances knighthood was out of the question, Lord Sumner told him, not unkindly. He was sent back to the Twins to face Lord Walder's poisonous disdain.

A Storm of Swords - Epilogue

Merrett had dared to hope that his luck was finally changing when Roose Bolton chose to wed his Walda instead of one of her slimmer, comelier cousins. The Bolton alliance was important for House Frey and his daughter had helped secure it; he thought that must surely count for something. The old man had soon disabused him. "He picked her because she's fat," Lord Walder said. "You think Bolton gave a mummer's fart that she was your whelp? Think he sat about thinking, 'Heh, Merrett Muttonhead, that's the very man I need for a good-father'? Your Walda's a sow in silk, that's why he picked her, and I'm not like to thank you for it. We'd have had the same alliance at half the price if your little porkling put down her spoon from time to time."