A Search of Ice and Fire

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A Game of Thrones0
A Clash of Kings0
A Storm of Swords0
A Feast for Crows0
A Dance with Dragons0
The Winds of Winter0
The Hedge Knight0
The Sworn Sword0
The Mystery Knight0
The World of Ice and Fire0
The Rogue Prince0
The Princess and the Queen0

A Storm of Swords - Samwell III

Sam's wail made a white mist in the black air. He dropped the useless hilt and took a hasty step backwards as Small Paul twisted around. Before he could get out his other knife, the steel knife that every brother carried, the wight's black hands locked beneath his chins. Paul's fingers were so cold they seemed to burn. They burrowed deep into the soft flesh of Sam's throat. Run, Gilly, run, he wanted to scream, but when he opened his mouth only a choking sound emerged.

A Storm of Swords - Samwell III

Small Paul moved toward him. Sam backed off until he came up against a rough log wall. He clutched the dagger with both hands to hold it steady. The wight did not seem to fear the dragonglass. Perhaps he did not know what it was. He moved slowly, but Small Paul had never been quick even when he'd been alive. Behind him, Gilly murmured to calm the garron and tried to urge it toward the door. But the horse must have caught a whiff of the wight's queer cold scent. Suddenly she balked, rearing, her hooves lashing at the frosty air. Paul swung toward the sound, and seemed to lose all interest in Sam.