A Search of Ice and Fire

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A Game of Thrones0
A Clash of Kings0
A Storm of Swords0
A Feast for Crows0
A Dance with Dragons0
The Winds of Winter0
The Hedge Knight0
The Sworn Sword0
The Mystery Knight0
The World of Ice and Fire1
The Rogue Prince0
The Princess and the Queen0

The World of Ice and Fire - The Vale

Isolated from the rest of Westeros by its towering mountains, the Vale proved the perfect ground for the Andals to carve out their first kingdoms in this new land. The First Men, who were there before the Andals, fought these seaborne conquerors stubbornly, but the Vale was but thinly peopled in those days, and they soon found themselves outnumbered in every fight. No sooner was one longship set aflame or driven back into the sea, the singers say, than ten more rose from the dawn. Nor could the First Men match the zeal of the invaders, and their bronze axes and byrnies of bronze scales proved less than equal to the steel swords and iron ringmail of the Andals.